The name of this organization shall be Oregon Trail Democrats.
This organization shall have as its objectives and purposes:
A. To support and promote the Democratic Party at all levels of government.
B. To influence the Democratic Party to continue its historic role as a party which promotes social justice; local, state and national interests; and the needs of all the people.
C. To work to elect Democratic candidates.
D. To keep the Clackamas County East House District communities informed of the Democratic Party, ins principles, issues, and candidates. *(See Footnote.)
All Democrats and/or persons interested in the Democratic Party and its principles are eligible for membership in this organization.
A. The Oregon Trail Democrats shall have the following officers: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and Sergeant of Arms/Parliamentarian.
B. To be eligible to serve as an officer, a person must be a registered Democrat for a minimum of six (6) months prior to the date of the election.
C. Officers shall be elected at the regular monthly meeting each January by nominations from the floor, and receiving a majority of the votes from the members present.
D. The term of the office shall be one year.
E. Vacancies shall be filled for any unexpired term by nominations from the floor, and receiving a majority of the votes from the members present at a regular monthly meeting.
*For example, through political rallies, having qualified speaker on current events and issues, letters to the editor, telephone banks, block walking, Neighborhood Leader program, party fundraisers, candidate forums, email announcements, social media and newsletters to interested citizens and voters.
A. The Chair shall preside at all meetings and be the official spokesperson for the Oregon Trail Democrats. The Chair shall initiate committees and appoint their members and chairpersons. The Chair shall have the power to call special meetings. Any three of the officers may call a special meeting in lieu of the Chair.
B. The Vice-Chair shall preside in the absence of the Chair.
C. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings and be prepared to report those minutes at the next scheduled meeting.
D. The Treasurer shall receive and deposit all moneys of the organization and shall record all financial transactions, report at monthly meetings, and report and fill all transactions in compliance with the Oregon Secretary of State Orestar PAC requirements. All disbursements over $500.00 shall require the majority vote of the members at a regular meeting. (Note: Blue in ’22 may require higher amount.)
E. The Sergeant of Arms/Parliamentarian shall keep order at the meetings, using Robert’s Rules of Order as needed.
F. Meetings may be held virtually by electronic means and/or hybrid meetings combining live attendance with virtual attendance.
The Oregon Trail Democrats shall meet monthly. Special meetings and events may be called by the Chairor by any three officers in lieu of the chair.
A. Membership dues shall be set by the general membership, and made a part of the Bylaws.
B. These Articles may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at a monthly meeting, provided the proposed amendment has been read at the preceding meeting. Bylaws shall be adopted or amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at the monthly meeting.
Membership dues for the Oregon Trail Democrats shall be set by the membership at the January meeting for the calendar year January 1 through December 31. Payment of dues is required for membership and voting, but participation in the group as a non-voting member is welcomed. In lieu of other requirements for operation under the Bylaws, the Articles provide guidance.